How does the “serpent’s children” related to the culture (fixed one)

These days, we are learning about culture in Language Art class. We are reading different books that we chose at the first lesson in Language Art class this year. I am reading a book called “The Serpent’s children.” It is written in ancient China, this book is about the serpent’s children in ancient China, while reading the book, we are thinking about the relationships between the culture of real China and culture in the story of this book. In this book, there are parts that are related to China’s tradition that is one of the cultures.

In past, serpent’s children were just poor children who will work for their owners when they get old enough. Also, serpent means snake and it means they are sneaky and like to alienate people so it was not really good meaning to call it. People around them thinks they are poor because they need to work for their owner forever unless their owner’s family all dies even the cousins too and also they avoid them and not go beside them thinking they would be strange. However in the story, the girl who is ‘I’ doesn’t thinks being serpent’s children is shameless. She thinks it is something good to be for her and even, she is proud of that too.

Mostly, she thinks opposite way of thinking that other people do. This shows the writer wanted to be opposite of the culture at that time and change the mind of the people. There is other face of this story too, in real Chinese culture, people thinks about son only and thinks males are better than females, and this is also in the book too. ‘I’ thinks bad about this this time. She is sad about it and feels bad, in this point culture is exactly the same. These points of view in the book is related to the culture in China in real world.

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