passion project plan

Passion Project


Few weeks ago, we started our passion project of this year. I decided to do it with Sheila because I thought doing with her will be better for my project that I was thinking about at that time. Now, the project has changed a little by caring about the time and experience from last year.

We decided to make a comic book and stuffs that we use in life that characters in our comic books are drawn, but after we searched some information and calculated the time, the book will be hard to get finished. So we changed the plan and started to write the list of the things that we are going to make.

  1. Mug cups
  2. Sticker
  3. Tumbler
  4. Cloth that we use to wipe the glasses
  5. Poster
  6. Notebook
  7. Pencil case [maybe]

We are going to finish it 2 weeks before we show it to other people because we need to check the qualities of the things and count the number of it and see if it is right or wrong. I hope the things look good at once because we need to pay the cost of making things and if it comes wrong, we are throwing our money a lot.

I hope this project ends successfully and stays in good memory after.


finish sketching until April 19th

Draw it again in computer/phone using proper program until May 7th

Send it to Taobao and order it successfully until May 9th

Get it all before May 16th

and then check if there is a problem or not

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